Survial Of Preterm Infants Admitted To Tikur Anbessa Hospital Nicu, Addis Ababa
Abstract: Neonatal mortality accounts for about 1/3 of deaths < 5 years of age and preterm infant mortality for approximately 1/3 of neonatal mortality. Intervention programs must be based on reliable statistics applicable to the local setting.
Objectives: The objective of this study is to identify factors associated with survival of preterm infants among preterm infants admitted to Tikur Anbessa Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This was a retrospective chart review of 397 preterm infants admitted from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 G.C to the neonatal unit. Overall survival was 69.3% Survival of infants below 28 weeks of GA 40%, survival for infants between 28-31wks of GA is 54.5%, for those between 32-34wks of GA is 74.6% and the survival rate for late preterm infants(35-36+6days) is 100%.GA, birth weight, gender and place of delivery are among the factors associated with survival of preterm infants. This study evidently indicates that the survival rate of preterm infants admitted to TAH is lower than other developing countries that must be improved.