Editorial Team


Name: Professor Damte Shimelis 

Affiliation: Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, School of Medicine

                    Addis Ababa University

                    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Contact address: damte_shimelis@yahoo.com

Institutional Profile: http://www.aau.edu.et/chs/

Expertise: Pediatrics and Child Health Specialist, Pediatric Nephrologist, and Certificate in Pain and Palliative Medicine


Name: Dr. Henok Tadele

Affiliation: Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, School of Medicine, College of Health Sciences

                     Addis Ababa University

                     Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9400-6563

Contact address: henny_2007@yahoo.com

Institutional Profile:  http://www.aau.edu.et/chs/

Expertise: Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, Consultant Pediatrician and Pediatric Cardiologist, Certificates in clinical research and evidence-based medicine, and health policy research implementation science.


Name: Professor Sileshi Lulseged

Affiliation: Mailman School of Public Health

                   Columbia University

                    NY, USA


Contact address: Sileshilulseged@gmail.com

Institutional Profile:  https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/

Expertise: Senior Associate Research Scientist, Pediatrics and Child Health specialist, Clinical Epidemiologist, Certificate in Child Nutrition and Gastroenterology.

Name: Professor Workeabeba Abebe

Affiliation: Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, School of Medicine

                      Addis Ababa University

                       Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

ORCID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3224-1899

Contact address: workeabebasol@gmail.com

Institutional Profile:  http://www.aau.edu.et/chs/

Expertise: Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, Public Health Specialist, Specialty certificate in Infectious diseases and HIV medicine, Subspecialty Training in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Certificate in clinical research methods.

Name: Dr. Abate Yeshidinber

Affiliation: Division of pediatric pulmonary and critical care,

                     St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College

                       Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Contact address: yeshidinbera@yahoo.com

Institutional Profile:  www.sphmmc.edu.et

Expertise: Associate professor of pediatrics and child health, Pediatric pulmonologist, PCCM

Name: Professor Netsanet Workneh Gidi

Affiliation: Jimma Institute of Health

                    Jimma University

                    Jimma, Ethiopia


Contact address: netsanet.workneh@ju.edu.et

Institutional Profile: Home – JU Official Website

Expertise: Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health; Doctor of Philosophy, Medical Research-International Health

Name: Dr. Fitsum Weldegebriel Belay

Affiliation: College of medicine and health sciences

                    Hawassa University

                    Hawassa, Ethiopia

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7867-1483 

Contact address: fitsedememmj@gmail.com 

Institutional Profile: Home (hu.edu.et)

Expertise: Consultant Neonatologist, Associate professor of Pediatrics and Child Health

Name: Professor Refiloe Masekela

Affiliation: Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, School of Clinical Medicine, College of Health Sciences

                     University of KwaZulu Natal

                     Durban, South Africa            

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2006-1201 

Contact address: Masekelar@ukzn.ac.za 

Institutional Profile: https://paediatrics.ukzn.ac.za/staff/professorrefiloemasekela/ 

Expertise: Pediatric Pulmonologist, NIHR Global Health Research Professor


Name: Mohammed Feyisso Shaka

Affiliation: School of Public Health, Department of Reproductive Health

                      Madda Walabu University

                       Shashamene, Ethiopia

ORCID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9352-058X

Contact address: mohammedshaka2@gmail.com

Institutional Profile:  mwu.edu.et

Expertise: Assistant Professor of Public Health, Chief Public Health Professional      Specialist


Prof. Dereje Kebede, Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, USA

Dr. Getachew Teshome, University of Maryland Medical Center, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Prof. Amha Mekasha, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, School of Medicine, Addis Ababa University

Prof. Demissie Habte, President Ethiopian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Lulu Muhie, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Dr. Tigist Ketsela, WHO Country Representative, Swaziland

Dr. Refiloe Masekela, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health University of KwaZulu Natal. Honorary Visiting Professor in the Centre for Genomics and Child Health at the Queen Mary University London, UK

Dr. Sankaran Krishnan, Chief of Pulmonology, Allergy, Immunology, and Sleep Medicine. Pediatric Pulmonology Attending, Maria Fareri Children's Hospital; Director, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Center; Associate Director of Pediatric Pulmonology Fellowship, Maria Fareri Children's